Friday 28 March 2014


Welfare for Disabled People organization for the Rehabilitation of disabled is a non-profit organization. It significations emerged to solve the problems of handicapped people. Life demands a high price from handicapped for their survival. They have to swallow the pills of hardships in every step of their life and have to overcome every obstacle incredibly. Their courage is enormous. Their handicap is a curse for them but we have turned it into their pride. They are the symbol of courage for others to follow. Being handicaps is obviously. 
I trust this finds you well. Please let me allow to brief you a shortly about the Welfare for disabled people organization. WDPO is a registered NGO, which is a non-profitable and non-political charitable institution servicing for physically disable and mentally retired people. We are dedicating to look-after, rehabilitating, educate and train to disables and poor children and help them to become capable enough to stand up and face the challenges of life.
Meanwhile we have started a new school to educate the deserving children. We have 25 registered numbers of disabled and poor children and currently 20 students are enrolled in the school. Three teachers are teaching to them. We have rented building with three rooms. We are providing all services to under privilege students by the NGO leaders and on individuals basis donations